The next section of the Ki-ji pilgrimage route has many fine views of the Inland Sea stretching along the coast of Wakayama and laying along the coasts between Shikoku Island which can be seen on clear days and the western region of Honshu Island. Some oji have the same names as can be seen at the oji shrines of Umadome Oji. Some names are also found more than once on other sections of the routes.
Kitsumoto Oji Tokorozaka Oji Kaburazakatoge Oji Ichitsubo Oji Yamaguchi Oji Itoga Oji Sakasagawa Oji Kumezaki Oji Iseki Oji Gonose Oji Kutsusake Oji Umadome Oji Umadome Oji Uchinohata Oji Taie Oji Sendoji Oji Aitokusan Oji Kuama Oji Iwauchi Oji Shioya Oji Ueno Oji Tsui Oji Ikaruga Oji

At Ikaruga Oji with a group walking from Shioya Oji to Kirime Oji Shrine.